Switch Kit – 5 easy steps to make the switch
1. Open your Mid-Central National account. Stop by any Mid-Central National Bank branch to open an account. If you would like assistance filling out the following forms, have your account information from your current bank and bring it to any of our branch offices in Wadena, Staples or Long Prairie and our staff will help you make the switch. 2. Stop using your old account. Let all your checks clear. This could take up to 10 days. Destroy any unused checks, deposit slips, ATM and debit cards. 3. Change direct deposits Simply fill out the form and give it to your employer, the Social Security Administration or your retirement plan. Include a new deposit slip or a voided check. 4. Change automatic payments. Use this form in the kit to change all automatic withdrawal or automated payment services. Don’t forget about those that use your old debit card number, such as automatic payments made on-line. 5. Close your old account. Send in the form to close your old account. No face-to-face needed. If, after all your checks have cleared, you have a remaining balance, your old bank will send you a check. It is as simple as that.